Euasan: Final meeting evaluation in Vietnam.
From 29th June to 04th July, SJ Vietnam has hosted a final meeting of Euasan with 8 participants from Vietnam, Hungary, Greece and Spain.
Euasan is a capacity building project under the frame of Erasmus +, which is aims to:
– foster development of communities (marginalized, school, rural area, volunteering and young people with fewer opportunities)
– to fight discrimination, exclusion, poverty and unemployment
– non-formal education (NFE) for self-development and leadership skills enhancement
– Education through sport (ETS).
During the project, 15 Youth Workers has opportunities to take part in a training in India and Spain. A Local activity was organized by our youth workers to training for them the definition of non-formal education ( NFE) and NFE through sport activities.
The projects comes to the end, which was encourage youth workers from 5 countries in innovative and creative thinking and collaborate.
Thanks to Erasmus + programme to funded for this project.