English listening comprehension.
Hello, on this page you will find a lot of audios made by some volunteers. They read sentences, so that you can listen to them. You can also find the files with the sentences to read them.
Click on the red files to download them to help you during the listening comprehension.
At the end of the page you can take some tests to exercise.
Sentences 1-30
Sentences 31-60
Sentences 61-90
Sentences 91-120
Sentences 121-150
Sentences 151-175
Sentences 1-30
Sentences 31-60
Sentences 61-90
Sentences 91-120
Sentences 121-150
Sentences 151-180
Sentences 181-200
Sentences 1-30
Sentences 31-60
Sentences 61-90
Sentences 91-120
Sentences 121-150
Sentences 151-180
Sentences 181-199
Sentences 1-30
Sentences 31-60
Sentences 61-80
Sentences 81-135
Sentences 136-200
Sentences 251-300
Sentences 301-350
Click on the test you want to take. There are 20 questions per test.
You can also take smaller tests. Here, there are 5 questions per test.