Author - LMTV Supporter

English conversations

SJ Vietnam often organizes non-formal English classes for Vietnamese students. “Non-formal” means that they’re not held by a teacher, but by a volunteer. Basically, these are a place where Vietnamese students can talk English to each other and improve their skills by having conversations and debates about different topics. I joined my previous volunteer colleagues and held one of these [...]


Situation of CO-VID 19 in Vietnam

At SJ Vietnam, we would like to keep you informed of developments and the government’s response to the CO-VID 19 pandemic. This goes back to the beginning of March. On 6 March, Hanoi reported a new case, just before the country could declare that it had treated all affected patients. Indeed, the first 16 cases had been successfully treated and [...]


Life in Vinh, part four

Second week of real volunteering for our Brunei volunteers. To read the first week click here. Monday, 9th March 2020 Getting into the second week after the school reopens with a new energy. We spent two hours in the morning at the Reading Center. During the morning session, a student came to have a conversation with us. His name was Hoang, [...]


Life in Vinh, part three

This week is the first time Hazwan and Syakir will go to their English classes. To read the first parts of their life in Vinh, click on the first part and the second part. They are two volunteers from Brunei Darussalem, and are in Vietnam to help students learn English. Getting into the fifth week in Vinh with a great [...]

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