Situation of CO-VID 19 in Vietnam
At SJ Vietnam, we would like to keep you informed of developments and the government’s response to the CO-VID 19 pandemic. This goes back to the beginning of March.
On 6 March, Hanoi reported a new case, just before the country could declare that it had treated all affected patients. Indeed, the first 16 cases had been successfully treated and the spread had been prevented. The government has been taking numerous measures against the virus for several months and is therefore ready to react at any time. With a new wave of infection, coming from Europe, the country had to act very quickly. Directly, the people on the infected person’s plane were taken in quarantine centers provided for this purpose. So were the people living on the same street as the infected person. Several people have been tested positive after having contact with “case number 17”.
In the weeks that followed, other people have been tested positive following this new case. The number rose to 76 on Thursday 19 March 2020. The authorities are working on tracing the various people in the plane, those who were in contact with them, their relatives and people living near them. On the website “The voice of Vietnam – VOV world” they reported Prime Minister’s words: “There are many foreigners not undergoing 14 days of quarantine and many of them coming from epidemic stricken countries. We should uphold our all-out effort to ensure early detection of positive cases for timely isolation and medical support.” More than 40,000 places have been freed in different parts of the country to accommodate all these people in quarantine. The government is also talking about 20,000 more places in reserve.
These places have been made available because the country is preparing, in the next few days, to receive lots of its citizens. Many Vietnamese abroad wanted come back to the country after the global spread of the pandemic. They will all spend a period of 14 days in these quarantine centers. “The voice of Vietnam – VOV world” wrote that Van Don International Airport, near Noi Bai airport, in Hanoï will be ready to receive additional passengers in order to help. The CEO, Pham Ngoc Sau, said all procedures will take place outside of the airport to prevent the spread.
In addition, Vietnam has stopped granting visas to foreigners for a period of two weeks. People who already have a visa arriving in Vietnam these days have two options: to fly back home or to stay in quarantine for two weeks.
This is the story of Gavin Wheeldon, a British citizen who arrived in the country on March 14. He shares on the internet the life inside the quarantine center where he is staying. You can find the link to his sharing in the sources of this article. The authorities sprayed his luggage and he was taken with other travelers to a quarantine center. Everyday the army takes care of them, providing them with food, care, necessary material. Everyday they also spray to eliminate as many bacteria as possible. As Gavin Wheeldon points out, the fact that many people are planning to return to the country will considerably increase the number of people in these centers, as well as the risk of contamination. But as since the beginning of the pandemic, Vietnam is demonstrating maximum efficiency in its measures and actions.
Sources :
Gavin Wheeldon’s paper:
The voice of Vietnam – VOV world’s article:
Situation of the virus and measures in Vietnam:
Governement’s website with the amount of infected people:
Article written by Antoine (LMTV from Belgium)